Multidimensional Health

Create Your Best Life Ever with Our Self-Guided 4-Week Meditation Course

In Just 4 Weeks You Can Tap Into Your Wishes And Dreams And Let Them Come True


Petra Rakebrandt, Meditation and Life Coach

Multidimensional Health

Create Your Best Life Ever with Our Self-Guided 4-Week Meditation Course

In Just 4 Weeks You Can Tap Into Your Wishes And Dreams And Let Them Come True


Ask yourself these questions:

  • Are you feeling overwhelmed? Are you in need of a reset, yearning for a fresh start and a renewed sense of purpose?

  • Are you sick and tired? If you're feeling drained, both physically and emotionally, and you're ready to reclaim your vitality and zest for life.

  • Do you need clarity? If you find yourself lost in the chaos of everyday life, longing for a clear vision and direction.

  • Do you want to change your job or other life situations? If you're seeking a major shift in your career or other areas of your life, ready to embrace new opportunities and create positive change.

  • Do you want to align your body, mind, and soul? If you're longing for harmony and balance, desiring to reconnect with your true essence and unleash your full potential.

  • Do you want to reduce stress? If the weight of stress and anxiety has become unbearable, and you're seeking inner peace and tranquility.

If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, then "Meditate & Create Your Best Life Ever" is the perfect program for you!

Experience Life-Transforming Results: Join Our 4-Week coursse & Create Your Best Life Ever

Join Our 4-Week Meditate Course & Create Your Best Life Ever

you can make this a reality in just 4 weeks!

Imagine tapping into your deepest wishes and dreams and watching them come true.

In our transformative 4-week course, we provide you with comprehensive materials designed to help you create multidimensional health. Throughout the course, you will receive valuable resources and guidance to nurture and enhance your well-being on physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual levels.

Weekly Meditation Guide With Petra

Each week, you will receive a carefully curated meditation guide. These guided meditations are specifically tailored to the topic of the week, addressing physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of your well-being.

Through these meditations, you'll cultivate mindfulness, inner peace, and self-awareness, allowing for deep healing and transformation.

Journal Prompts

Journaling is a powerful tool for self-reflection and self-discovery. We provide thought-provoking journal prompts that will help you explore your thoughts, feelings, and experiences related to each topic.

These prompts serve as a catalyst for deeper introspection, allowing you to gain clarity, process emotions, and uncover insights that contribute to your overall growth.

Spiritual Worksheets

Our course includes a variety of worksheets designed to facilitate self-exploration and self-assessment. These worksheets will guide you in identifying areas where you may feel stuck or need additional support. They provide a structured framework to help you examine your beliefs, values, goals, and challenges, empowering you to take actionable steps towards transformation and improvement.

That's our power bundle to make your dream a reality in just 4 weeks!

With the combination of guided meditations, journal prompts, and worksheets, you'll have powerful tools at your disposal to navigate your journey of self-discovery and growth.

These materials are designed to complement each other, creating a synergistic effect that deepens your understanding, strengthens your self-awareness, and supports your progress in creating multidimensional health.

Are you ready to embrace these transformative resources and unlock your full potential? Enroll in our course today and gain access to these materials that will guide you towards a healthier, happier, and more fulfilling life. Together, let's embark on a journey of self-exploration, healing, and empowerment.

Meet Your Coach..

Petra Rakebrandt

Petra is a Wellpreneur, an intuitive Health Coach, Yoga teacher, energy artist, specializing in a Yin approach to healing.

She helps people suffering from loss of energy, chronic pain, depression, and anxiety, find their gifts so they can feel at ease in their body and mind.

After transforming her own health with Energy Medicine (Polarity Therapy), Reiki, ThetaHealing and Nutrition, she dedicated her life helping others achieve their highest potential – physical, emotional and energetic. Her holistic approach includes interactive therapies such as yoga, meditation, journaling, bioenergetic bodywork, and natural remedies.

As a former Managing Director in a technical company, corporate wellness is part of her consulting work. She is the founder of Petra Rakebrandt-Mind-Body-Soul and the author of "Yin is the new black-How to get rid of imbalances in life". She teaches regularly internationally retreats.

Let Me Share My Story With You

I was always struggling with health issues and unhappiness which caused a lot of stress and pain in my life

I want you to know that I truly understand the challenges you've faced.

It can be incredibly tough to constantly struggle with health issues and unhappiness, and the resulting stress and pain can take a heavy toll on every aspect of your life. I empathize with the difficult journey you've been on, and I'm here to offer my support and guidance.

It's important to remember that you're not alone in this. Many individuals have faced similar hardships and have found ways to overcome them. I've personally experienced my own share of health issues and unhappiness, so I understand the emotional and physical burdens you carry.

At one point in my life I knew I need to change , tap into my power and heal on all levels, pysical, mental, emotional and spiritual. I just knew that if I do not change, life will be a struggle.

I discovered the power of healing and transformation..

I started working with a coach who helped me a lot to figure out what I want and need..

When my coach told me to meditate, I was really shocked, that was not what I had in mind.

But meditation was one of the tools to connect with my inner world, my higher self and align with myself.

It was through my own personal experiences that I discovered the power of healing and transformation, and it's my mission to guide others on their path to finding relief and lasting happiness.

Please know that I am here for you, ready to listen and provide guidance based on my own experiences and training.

Together, we can create positive change and transform your life into one that is filled with greater health, happiness, and inner peace.

Take a deep breath and know that you have taken the first step towards a brighter future.

I am honored to be your coach on this journey, and I am committed to helping you find relief from the stress and pain that has weighed you down for so long.

You are not alone, and together, we will overcome these struggles and create a life that is filled with vitality, joy, and well-being.


See what my students say..

Are you ready to overcome your pain and unhappiness? Are you ready to create your new reality?

But I want you to know that there is hope..

Together, we can work towards finding solutions and strategies to improve your well-being. I believe that everyone deserves to experience a life filled with joy, peace, and fulfillment. With my support and expertise, we can navigate through these challenges and uncover the path towards healing and happiness.

Take a deep breath and know that you have taken the first step towards a brighter future.

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